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-define subnet file (including clock site, a couple of non-kinematically estimated sites, at the ones you are really interested in)
-define namelist (nml) file (RANDOM-WALK!)
-adapt script that calls solve (check whether you need a rapid solution -- when orbits aren't in yet)
-run solution
-extract data from .trop files
-plot results.
==Define the solution parameters==
==Define the solution parameters==
Use an NML file to define the solution parameters.  Here is an example to start with.
Use an NML file to define the solution parameters.  Here is an example to start with.

Revision as of 23:10, 17 February 2009


-define subnet file (including clock site, a couple of non-kinematically estimated sites, at the ones you are really interested in) -define namelist (nml) file (RANDOM-WALK!) -adapt script that calls solve (check whether you need a rapid solution -- when orbits aren't in yet) -run solution -extract data from .trop files -plot results.

Define the solution parameters

Use an NML file to define the solution parameters. Here is an example to start with.

$PREP                       !namelist input for preprefilter           
! reference clock is REQUIRED.  you need to use one of 
! your sites, generally one with a stable clock.  Mostly
! it means anything except a trimble.  If an external
! oscillator is used, then it can be a reference clock.
! just says whether the troposphere will be estimated stochastically.
! except for very short baselines, this is always true.
  WETZTROP  = .TRUE.                                                    
! don't recall what this is
  yaddsg = 0.1
! this is the random walk constraint for the troposphere, in km/sqrt(sec)
  TROPDRIFT = 1.70D-7                                                   
! if you want to estimate additional paraetmeters stochastically, you
! put them here.  You don't have to put clocks here, because GIPSY
! assumes that all clocks will be estimated stochastically.
! in this example they are the east, north, and vertical components 
! for station SCOB.  Generally station locations are not
! estimated stochastically
! This tells you how to constrain the parameters you named above.
  SPSIG = 3*1.0D-6,  ! random walk constraint
! how often do you want to estimate these stochastic parameters
  SDELT = 3*'/00:05', ! compute a position every 5  minutes 

$INIT                       !namelist input for filter                 
  YDEL(1) = 'STABIAS THU1' ! same for the reference clock
 ! STABIAS is the GIPSY name for a station clock. SATBIAS is 
 ! for a satellite clock

 ! this is if you are estimating station positions stochastically.
 ! just do it.
  grounddelete = 'SCOB',
 STAINT    = .FALSE.                                                   
 IDIGIT    = 9                                                         
  ! this is a list of all the parameters you DO NOT                         
  ! want GIPSY to estimate.  look at the cartoon book
  ! for more info.  X, Y, Z, DX, DY, DZare the satellite orbits.
  ! you don't want to estimate them if youare using someone
  ! else's orbits, which I would assume you are all going to do
 YDEL(2)      = 'UT1-UTC', 'UT1-UTC RATE', 'X POLE *', 'Y POLE *',     
             'GEOCENTER*', 'V LOVE', 'H LOVE', 'DRYZTROP*',            
             'LMPZTROP*', 'STA DRFT*', 'STA ACCL*', 'SAT DRFT*',       
             'SAT ACCL*', 'BIASPSR*', 'SOLARSCLTOP*','Y_BIAS  TOP*',   
             'X*',  'Y*', 'Z*',  'DX*', 'DY*', 'DZ*','TRPAZ*', 
              'SOLSCL_X*', 'Y_BIAS*', 'SOLSCL_Z*', 'SOLARSCL*'
 SOLPRT    = .TRUE.                                                    
 NOMEAS    = .FALSE.                                                   
 SOLVE     = .TRUE.                                                    
 DEBUG     = 1                                                         
 OUTNAME   = 'OASIS'                                                   
$APRIORI                    !namelist input for filter                 
 APALL     = .TRUE.                                                    
 !  The following are NOT currently estimated                          
 ! Parameters actually estimated start here                            
    APNAMS( 1) =      'WETZTROP*',        APSIGS( 1) = 10.0D-5  !10 cm 
    APNAMS( 2) =      'STABIAS*',         APSIGS( 2) = 3.0D5   !1 sec  
    APNAMS( 3) =      'SATBIAS*',         APSIGS( 3) = 3.0D5   !1 sec  
    APNAMS( 4) =      'PHASE*',           APSIGS( 4) = 1.0D-1   !1 micr
   ! I am using ENV here, but you should set these for XYZ if you are doing
   ! it in the Cartesian frame
    APNAMS( 5) =      'STAE*',            APSIGS( 5) = 1.  !1 km
    APNAMS( 6) =      'STAN*',            APSIGS( 6) = 1.  !1 km
    APNAMS( 7) =      'STAV*',            APSIGS( 7) = 1.  !1 km
    APNAMS( 8) =      'STA E   KOKB',     APSIGS( 8) = 10.0D-3  !10 m
    APNAMS( 9) =      'STA N   KOKB',     APSIGS( 9) = 10.0D-3  !10 m
    APNAMS(10) =      'STA V   KOKB',     APSIGS(10) = 10.0D-3  !10 m
$DATAWGHT                 !namelist input for filter, edtpnt2, and post
 ELMINSTA  = 15.0D0 ! elevation angle minimum                          
 ! 110 is pseudorange, 120 is phase
 DATYPE    = 110,    120,   
 DATSIG    = 1.0D-3, 1.0D-5, ! these are in km
 XRECNM(1) = 'HOLE' ! this is to delete a specific receiver
 XXMTNM(1) = 'GPS04' ! this is to delete a specific satellite
$SMINPUT                  !namelist input for smapper                  
 SAVEUD     = 'LAST'                                                   
 SAVESIGMA  = .TRUE.                                                  
 IDIGIT     = 9                                                        
 OUTNAME    = 'OASIS'                                                  
 ! write out these parameters for stochastic parameters
 ! GIPSY only creates this file if asked for (it is a TDP
 ! - time-dependent-parameter file).  If you want to know
 ! clock values, then you need to write their names here.
 WRTTDP  =  'STA E   SCOB',  'STA N   SCOB',  'STA V   SCOB',
 TDPTOL  = 1.0d00,
 STAINT     = .FALSE.                                                  
$APRIORINML              !namelist input for smapper                   

$LIMITS                 !namelist input for postfit                    
 ! outlier criterion, i.e. flag all phase data greater than 5 cm.
 STAINT = .FALSE.                                                      
 DATYPE  = 120                                                         
 WINDOW  = 5.0D-5,                                                     
$EDTINIT                !namelist input for edtpnt2                    
 STAINT = .FALSE.                                                      
 DEBUG  = .TRUE.