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In the directory
you might find directories which contain baseline calculation files
reference station - station (XXXX-XXXX), no file extention
An example (/gps/data/ANALYSIS/Augustine/pre-eruption/A5-AUGL):
%MISFIT: 0.34 3.54 0.22 1.52 0.89 3.35 0.33 3.59
%RATE: 0.51 0.17 0.00 0.09 -0.32 0.21 0.50 0.16
%MEAN: 3.07 20.92 -11.28 1.07
%LENGTH: 9.44
92jul16 1992.542 0.00 3.89 22.19 1.35 -9.82 3.76 -2.09 3.79
92jul17 1992.545 -4.39 2.45 18.71 1.75 -5.54 3.34 -6.12 2.33
04sep16 2004.712 3.83 0.32 20.81 0.37 -13.59 0.63 1.82 0.32
%RATE:  East rate | East error | North rate | North error | Vertical rate | Vertical error | Lenght rate | error    all in [cm]
%LENGTH: baseline lenght in [km]

Revision as of 23:09, 14 March 2008


In the timeseries directory, e.g.


there are 3 different typs of files:

station ID, no file extension (XXXX)
station ID.pfiles (XXXX.pfiles)
station ID.ps (XXXX.ps)
$1 Decimal Year
$1 Decimal Year
$2 station ID
$3 .
$4 Longitude
$5 Latitute
$6 Height
$13 .poscov file name

postcript file of timeseries for that station to view e.g. with gv (ghostview)


In the directory


you might find directories which contain baseline calculation files

reference station - station (XXXX-XXXX), no file extention

An example (/gps/data/ANALYSIS/Augustine/pre-eruption/A5-AUGL):

%MISFIT: 0.34 3.54 0.22 1.52 0.89 3.35 0.33 3.59
%RATE: 0.51 0.17 0.00 0.09 -0.32 0.21 0.50 0.16
%MEAN: 3.07 20.92 -11.28 1.07
%LENGTH: 9.44
92jul16 1992.542 0.00 3.89 22.19 1.35 -9.82 3.76 -2.09 3.79
92jul17 1992.545 -4.39 2.45 18.71 1.75 -5.54 3.34 -6.12 2.33
04sep16 2004.712 3.83 0.32 20.81 0.37 -13.59 0.63 1.82 0.32
%RATE:   East rate | East error | North rate | North error | Vertical rate | Vertical error | Lenght rate | error     all in [cm]
%LENGTH: baseline lenght in [km]


In the directory


there are 2 vulnerable files
