AVO GPS monitoring web-pages

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Revision as of 16:42, 12 February 2008 by Tfour (Talk | contribs)

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These web-pages were built in order to provide a quick look at GPS data from volcano stations. The web-pages consist of a few static html documents and image files that are updated daily. The web-pages only display pre-determined baseline plots. Below the update process is described, as well as some tricks to quickly asses the update process.

A quick review of the steps to the process and then we will get into the details. The web-pages are updated daily after the Automated GPS Processing has been run, generally this is at roughly 11:00am AST. An update consists of making baseline plots of the past year of data, and updating a file that keeps track of when the update occurred and what the time interval of the data is. All the web-page documents exist in /gps/rawdata/ftpweb/htdocs/tfour.

Web-page Format

Currently there are 4 volcano networks, each is represented as a link from the GPS Main Page. Each volcano network page contains some text, a map of the network and links to baseline plots. There is also a date.htm file that contains information on the time of the last update and time range of the baseline plots. Each network page displays the information in date.htm. During each update only the date.htm and the baseline image files are changed.

Performing the Update

Creating the Baselines