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The program we now use to convert most files to rinex is called teqc, which is written and maintained by Lou Estey at UNAVCO. Teqc can handle data from many different receiver types. This page describes how to convert the data from Trimble receivers into RINEX format.

Converting Trimble .t00/.t01 files to .dat

Normally you don't have to do this. The exception is the data from the Net-RS receiver, which under some circumstances we will only get in .t01 format. Or if you copy .t00 files straight off a flash card.

.t00 files

There are two ways to convert these files to .dat format. You can do it on a Windows PC by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Convert to DAT format" from the contextual menu. Or you can convert the files on our Linux system using:

/usr/local/UNAVCO/bin/runpkr00 -d file.t00

This will create the file file.dat.

.t01 files

At the moment, these files can only be converted on a Windows PC that has the latest version of Trimble Data Transfer installed. Right-click on the file and choose "Convert to DAT format" from the contextual menu.

Converting dat files to RINEX

You can create a single file to RINEX using teqc. We have a script that will create RINEX files and also add appropriate information into the RINEX headers. The easiest way to convert multiple files is to make up a script and then execute it.

/bin/ls *.dat | awk '{print "newrinex_teqc -5700 tr_d " $0}' > rinexem

There are some options you can add to this:

  • The -5700 flag really means to use the Zephyr Geodetic antenna, you can use it for the Net-RS as well
  • For data from a Trimble 4000 receiver, use -4000 instead.
  • You can add the operator name using -oper Name (no spaces)
  • If the data are from a non-UAF group, add -agency Agency
  • For 4000 receivers, add -slant 0.2334 -0.0591 to convert from slant to vertical height

Then execute the script:

sh rinexem

There should be one RINEX observation file (*.YYo, YY = last 2 digits of the year) and one RINEX navigation file (*.YYn) for each .dat file.

To make a fully complete RINEX file, you would have to edit the file in a text editor and add any missing items that are blank. That is important for files that we might send to someone else, but it doesn't matter for our own processing.

The final step is to compress the files using gzip.