
From GeodesyLab
Revision as of 20:40, 24 April 2008 by Ronni (Talk | contribs) (General set-up cycle)

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What's that all about?

The idea is very old and popular in software development: have somebody keep track of changes you make to a product and hence remain able to go back in history...

The idea behind our set up is to allow for anonymous public access of specific products (parts) which are simultaneously changed/updated/further developed. So keep in mind that the initial set-up gives the whole world reading access to your project. If you want to share only parts of it, additional steps must be taken. Those are described at the very end of this page.

Existing Geodesy-Lab projects and anonymous access

Anonymous access is read-only. Currently any existing project can be retrieved using:

svn checkout svn://<PROJECT-NAME>


- unix account at geodesy lab
- member of group 'svn'
- local installation of a subversion client (comes with most linux dists, check for a (graphical) windows client)

General set-up cycle

Setting up a new project-root

- login to fairweather
- cd to $SVNREPO
- execute 'svnadmin create <PROJECT-NAME>'
- exit

Repository layout & initial data import

The repository layout is totally up to you. If you want to make versions available only based on version number, that's fine. However, for a more sophisticated use, the subversion team recommends the following layout:

   <my project>/

The trunk directory will hold the initial project data. tags and branches are explained below.

- 'mkdir tmpdir'
- optional: 'mkdir tmpdir/trunk' etc.
- copy (not move!) your project files / directories etc. into tmpdir/trunk
- 'cd tmpdir'
- 'svn import . svn+ssh://<PROJECT-NAME> -m "initial import" '

You will be asked for your password. The long list of characters that pops up on the screen should end with something like:

Committed revision 1.

- 'cd ..'
- 'rm -rf tmpdir'

Your project is now accessible by the world! yeah.

Initial checkout

To have subversion keep track on the changes you do to your project you will have to work on a working copy of your project from the repository:

- cd to a place where you would want to have that working copy - 'svn checkout svn+ssh://<PROJECT-NAME>/trunk <PROJECT-NAME>'

I assume you created the recommended directory structure. As I said the whole branches and trunk story will be covered later. Anyway, that's it. You got your own copy and the world can follow your changes. yeah.

General work cycle

Share only parts of your work