To do list

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All New Students

Welcome in Alaska, Fairbanks, at the Geophysical Institute (GI), Geodesy Lab!

This brief list should give you some points to start with. If you encounter difficulties, ask questions, contact people, ...

It is not unusual, that people use abbreviations, which you might not be familiar with, especially if you are not American. So follow the link abbreviations, where we listed a few of them. And again, ask, if you do not understand what people are talking about.

meet Jeff
His office is in the Elvey Building, room 413B (4th floor in the GI). Phone: (907) 474-7286

expect lots of paperwork
... especially when you are an international student. Also expect that most of this must be done every semester so you might want to keep a list :)

get username and password (e.g. for GI webpage/account)
Jeff will introduce you to Dave Covey (-5913) and/or Paul Delys (-7418) at CRC, who can help you also with about any computer and/or software problem you might have.

visit human resources and payroll office
These offices are located on the 6th floor in the GI. Expect, that you have to do a lot of paperwork. If you are an RA/TA (Research Assistant / Teaching Assistant) make sure you get the letter telling the GI offers you this.

You need to fill out timesheets in order to get payed. Therefore it is necessary that
(1st) the timesheet-link is present on your account page ( (automatically updated every Monday) and
(2nd) you fill it out, have it signed by your supervisor (i.e., Jeff), and submit it to payroll (6th floor, HR office).

Help to set up that tool will be through CRC (for (1)) and payroll itself (for(2)).

Graduate School
If you are a gratuate student, you will need to see the Graduate School staff in order to e.g. register for classes, get health insurance ... .

There is a catalog (studying guide) which includes information about academic issues at UAF in general and the requirements of any/your degree program specifically. You can get that catalog at many places e.g. the library, Graduate School, ... and online at
Make sure to keep a copy of the catalog under which you entered UAF. It is the one that is effectual for all your time here (catalogs tend to change anually).

health insurence
Make sure you have it, either through UAF/GI or private.

live on compus
If you want to live on compus, Cutler Apartment is a good choice. Because it is near to GI building, and you can cook by yourself there.

get keys
You can get keys both for GI entrance doors and the Lab door at the Operations Office, located in Rm. 616 Elvey (6th floor in the GI, Jeff will need to sign and will probably take you there).

register for classes If you want to change your courses selection, please let the officer of graduate shool know, and they will help to deal with tuition change.

Department of Geology and Geophysics
This department is located in the Reichardt Building, Room 308. If not allready, you will hear about that office and staff and you might need to indroduce yourself to them.

Ask about regular scheduled meetings (e.g. AVO meeting, Friday Seminar).

Make sure you know what that is. If it is required for you (certainly for International Students, at least parts are mandatory for everyone, e.g. Grad School Orientation ... which helps a lot), make sure that you are registered and attend it.

Get an AK driver's license
For some reason this must be done in the first 90 days of your stay. Otherwise, it is said, you will not get one.

International Students

see the International Student Advisor(s) at the Office of International Programs


GI Geophysical Institute (located in the Elvey Building)
HR human resources