University of Alaska Fairbanks
Geophysical Institute

Beyond the Mouse 2010 - The geoscientist's computational chest.

Lab 1: Thinking Programs / Organizing your Ideas

"Programming is legitimate and necessary academic endeavor."
Donald E. Knuth

Exercise 0: Password exchange

You all should have your password by now. If not, talk to Chris Wyatt immediately.

Exercise I: Drawing flow charts

Many of you sent a description of a project they have in mind for this class. Jeff and I responded asking you to think ``big picture'': to identify manageable sub-units and link them together in a meaningful way. Here we want you to continue this process and visualize the result in the form of a flow chart. We recommend to hand draw this as that's faster, things change a lot and it doesn't need to be pretty. Just deliver something that's legible and easy to follow (pre-defined flow chart symbols, give definitions for other symbols)

-- OR --

If you did not figure out a project yet, DON'T PANIC!. Try to create a flow chart for the process of writing and publishing a scientific paper. Understanding this process will certainly be useful at some point in your career as a grad student. You can find inspiration on the web:

If you've already written and published a paper you will have an easier time, I suppose. You're welcome to give more details. In case branches of your flowchart explode in great detail, consider to lump these things together. Put them on a separate little flow chart and refer to this from the main chart by including a descriptive name there and on the little chart.

Exercise II: Playing with Code -- Learn to swim in the open waters.

Here, we do not care a bit about your programming experience. We want you to familiarize yourself with the MATLAB environment and get you to start playing around. During this process you will hopefully understand the setup of the environment and get a feeling for how MATLAB tries to help you in moments of distress (Hint: Read the red output!).

Hint: If you want to learn more about the MATLAB commands, type doc COMMAND or help COMMAND in the command window.

We want you to document some of your experiences in a textfile. Open notepad; save the file as deepwater.txt and send it to ronni <at> gi <dot> alaska <dot> edu

ronni <at> gi <dot> alaska <dot> edu | Last modified: September 12 2011 17:21.