University of California Berkley
Berkeley Seismology Laboratory

Ronni Grapenthin


Apart from being a teaching assistant for introductory undergraduate geoscience courses, I am involved in the development of a new course on programming for geoscience students.

Fall 2009: Beyond the mouse - Programming Skills for Geoscientists

A 2 credit course aimed at incoming geoscience graduate students with little or no programming experience. This course is the continuation / expansion of the course held during the fall semester 2009.

In the geosciences -as in many other disciplines- we collect data which need to be analyzed in ways that depend on the problem posed. The ability to adapt your environment to your needs instead of having it dictate how you approach a problem is invaluable in a setting that is supposed to generate fresh knowledge. Also, and this may be even more important, we are lazy people ... (course website) .

Fall 2009: Beyond the mouse - Programming Skills for Geoscientists

A 1 credit course aimed at incoming geoscience graduate students with little or no programming experience. This course is the continuation / expansion of the seminar series held during the spring semester 2009.

Spring 2009: Beyond the mouse - A Short Course on Programming

Seminar series covering an introduction to programming and basic Matlab/Unix skills for incoming geoscience students. Responsibilities for the 6 lectures were shared amongst 5 individuals.

ronni <at> gi <dot> alaska <dot> edu | Last modified: April 03 2012 23:46.