This is more of a tutorial than an actual tool. Two things are necessary to get a more instant LaTeX experience:
#!/bin/tcsh while ( 1 > 0 ) pslatex $1 dvips -Ppdf ${1}.dvi -o ${1}.ps ps2pdf ${1}.ps ${1}.pdf sleep 10 endor for
#!/bin/tcsh while ( 1 > 0 ) pdflatex ${1} sleep 10 endObviously either of these 'demons' is from the commandline called as something like:
latex_demon your_document.tex
They do the usual tex-document processing at the end of which they take a 10 second break before they continue the infinite
while loop. Of course, the pause interval could be parameterized as well.
ronni <at> gi <dot> alaska <dot> edu | last changed: June 14, 2010