How to clean a solution?
From GeodesyLab
The following table indicates a plan of procedures how to clean data using the allbadp
You have to work in two directories, the qm and flt directory. The Numbers in the table indicate the command order.
directory is: /$ANALYSIS/wwww
/qm | /flt |
1 allbadpThis commands lists all *.postlog (yymmmddxxxx____*.postlog) files. You are looking for the files which are followed by some other line(s). These files indicate which stations have bad pseudo ranges on which day. | |
2 gunzip *ddxxxx*Unzip (uncompress) "infected" file. |
3 del_pcode_arc *ddxxxx* XXXX SSSSSDelete data points with bad pseudo ranges. |
or 3 short_handIf there are only a few (<??) you can use the short_hand script to clean the data from bad pseudo ranges (and adding ambiguities).
4 pppsolve *ddxxxx* |
Repeat step 1-4 untill no | more bad pseudo ranges are found. |
5 gzip *ddxxxx*Zip (compress) cleaned file. |
The following table indicates a plan of procedures how to clean data using the allbreaks
You have to work in two directories, the qm and flt directory. The Numbers in the table indicate the command order.
directory is: /$ANALYSIS/wwww
/qm | /flt |
1 allbreaksThis commands lists all *.postbreak (yymmmddxxxx____*.postbreak) files. You are looking for the files which are followed by a line that starts with add_amb (copy that line and use it in step 3). These files indicate which stations have cycle slips on which day.
| |
2 gunzip *ddxxxx*Unzip (uncompress) "infected" file. |
3 add_amb *ddxxxx* XXXX SSSSS "dd-MMM-yyyy tt:ss"Add ambiguity by inserting copyed line from step 1 and replacing "$file" with the current correct file name (esp. *ddxxxx*). Repeat this for all lines listed under the current file you are working on. |
4 pppsolve *ddxxxx* |
5 gzip *ddxxxx*Zip (compress) cleaned file. |
Repeat step 1-4 for all | files listed by the allbreaks command.
abbreviations / symbols
The following is a list of used abbreviations and symbols on this page.
w ... week | (wwww ... week number, four characters long) |
d ... day | (dd ... day number, two characters long) |
m ... month | (mmm ... month expressed in lower case letters) |
M ... month | (MMM ... month expressed in upper case letters) |
y ... year | (yy ... year number, two characters long) |
t ... time/minutes | (tt ... minutes, two characters long) |
s ... seconds | (ss ... seconds, two characters long ) |
x ... station id | (xxxx ... four character station id, use lower case letters) |
X ... station id | (XXXX ... four character station id, use upper case letters) |
S ... satellite | (SSSSS ... satellite number, e.g. GPS##) |