University of Alaska Fairbanks
Geophysical Institute

Ronni Grapenthin - Photo Album

Some videos collected with my little digicam.

MI-8 landing in Kamchatka, quite precise.
July 24, 2010

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Bezymianny, Kamchatka, pyroclastic flow deposits from Mai 31, 2010 explosive event. Some incandescence is visible. Listen to the sound as raindrops hit the hot rock, they evaporate instantaneously; also nicely visible as little puffs.
July 19, 2010

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Same deposits as in video above applying a little more water
July 19, 2010

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Overview shot of Zimina Valley to the S of Bezymianny. Old eroded edifice visible with lava plug still in the old condiut. Erosion seems to have been a massive landslide. Glacier covered at least partially by Bezymianny 1956 lateral blast product which was directed to SE.
July 24, 2010

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all images copyright r.grap
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ronni <at> gi <dot> alaska <dot> edu | Last modified: May 09 2011