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Climb higher, beyond the mouse...

Beyond the Mouse Lecture 5: MATLAB I/O 1

September 26

Instructor: Jeff Freymueller

x7286 Elvey 413B jfreymueller@alaska.edu

TA: Shanshan Li

Last Updated: September 12, 2017

Lecture notes are available for download.


You should have already read Chapter 4 ( 3rd-4th ed: 2.10, 2.11, and Chapter 4).

Lab 05

LAB 05: Matlab I/O


Check in the Matlab help of respective functions; the fprintf example with output as tar.gz and zip.

Written exercise


Dr. Jeffrey T. Freymueller
Professor of Geophysics
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320

jfreymueller -at- alaska.edu
Phone 907-474-7286
Fax 907-474-7290
Office 413B Elvey