Recently Started and Ongoing Projects
This is a brief list of my recently started and ongoing research projects. The hyperlinks will take you to pages which describe the projects in more detail. Please note that several of these pages are most definitely under construction. Please feel free to contact me directly if a project seems interesting but the details on the Web are skimpy.- Deformation of Alaska Volcanoes and Alaska Volcano Observatory
- Relative Sea Level Change in Kachemak Bay, Alaska
- Postseismic Deformation following the 2006-07 Kurile Earthquake doublet
- (no link yet) Transient Changes in the Seismogenic Zone, Cook Inlet, Alaska
Projects Nearing Completion
A brief list of research projects that are nearing completion is given below. The hyperlinks will take you to pages which describe the projects in more detail. These should give you a feel for the kind of work we do. Please note that several of these pages are most definitely under construction. Please feel free to contact me directly if a project seems interesting but the details on the Web are skimpy.- Is the Tibetan Plateau Uplifting?
- St. Elias Erosion and Tectonics Project
- Glacial-Isostatic Adjustment and Hydrological Loading in SE Alaska
Past Projects
These projects have been completed, but should give you a feel for the kind of work we do.- PIRE Kamchatka: Bezymianny Volcano
- Subducted Terranes Beneath North America
- Tibet and the India/Eurasia Collision Zone
- Postseismic Deformation Following the 2002 Denali Fault Earthquake
- Motion of the Bering Plate
Dr. Jeffrey T. Freymueller
Professor of Geophysics
Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320