Research Projects
Current & Past Students
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What's New

Visualization of displacements from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
( see Ronni's page here)

GPS Velocity Field from Freymueller et al. (2008)
AGU Monograph


  2009 eruption of Mt. Redoubt

Current Graduate Students:

Shanshan Li

Hugh Harper (staring Fall 2015)

Xueming Xue (starting Fall 2015)

Past Graduate Students:

Hilary Fletcher (Ph.D., 2001) studied the tectonics of southern Alaska using GPS. Hilary worked as a researcher at the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, New Zealand, and now lives in Portland, Oregon, where she will soon be a teacher.

Dörte Mann (Ph.D., 2002) studied volcanic deformation in Alaska using SAR and GPS. Dörte was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University, and now works for UNAVCO, Inc.

Qizhi Chen (Ph.D., 2002) studied the kinematics of the Tibetan Plateau using GPS. Chen is now working in the financial industry.

Chris Larsen (Ph.D., 2003) studied the uplift history of the Glacier Bay region using GPS, tide gauges, and raised shoreline data. Chris is now a Research Professor in Glaciology at UAF.

Sigrún Hreinsdóttir (Ph.D., 2006) studied the 2002 Denali fault earthquake, the 2001 El Salvador earthquake sequence, and the subduction zone in southern Alaska. Sigrún now aworks at GNS Science, New Zealand. Listen to Sigrún on NPR (16 April 2010), talking about the eruption of Eyfjallajokull.

Samik Sil (M.Sc., 2006) studied water well level variations following the 2002 Denali fault earthquake. Samik is currently a Geophysicist working for Cononco-Phillips.

Ryan Cross (M.Sc., 2007) studied the motion of the Bering plate, and models for forearc motion and along-strike variations in slip deficit along the Aleutian arc. Ryan now works for Tetra Tech, Inc.

Tom Fournier (Ph.D., 2008) studied the deformation of Okmok volcano in the eastern Aleutians. Tom now works for Shell Oil.

Julie Elliott (M.Sc. 2006, Ph.D. 2011) studied deformation in the St. Elias Range of southern Alaska. Julie is now an Assistant Professor at Purdue University.

Ronni Grapenthin (Ph.D., 2012) studied volcano deformation at Bezymianny volcano Kamchatka, and applications of high rate GPS to studies of volcanoes.

Yuning Fu (Ph.D., 2012) studied seasonal loading deformation in Nepal and Alaska using GPS and GRACE.

Summer Miller (M.Sc., 2014) studied volcano deformation at Okmok volcano using InSAR and GPS.

Kimber deGrandpre (M.Sc., 2015) studied reltive sea level change in Western Alaska.