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AGU Monograph


Electronic Supplement Data files for Freymueller et al. (2008)

Revised March 11, 2009

This page provides access to the electronic supplement data files for my paper, Active deformation processes in Alaska, based on 15 years of GPS measurements, which appeared in the AGU Monograph Active Tectonics and Seismic Potential of Alaska. The files were originally published on a CD that was included with the book. Download a preprint of the paper. Or better yet, buy the book, which has a lot of other great papers in it. The full reference for the paper and the data is given below:

Freymueller, J.T., H. Woodard, S. Cohen, R. Cross, J. Elliott, C. Larsen, S. Hreinsdottir, C. Zweck (2008), Active deformation processes in Alaska, based on 15 years of GPS measurements, in Active Tectonics and Seismic Potential of Alaska, AGU Geophysical Monograph, 179, J.T. Freymueller, P.J. Haeussler, R. Wesson, and G. Ekstrom, eds., pp. 1-42, AGU, Washington, D.C.

I found that a few sites in the velocity file were taken from the "cross-Denali" solution when they should have been take from the pre-earthquake solution. In some cases, the main reason is that the site is actually affected significantly by postseismic deformation following the 2002 Denali fault earthquake. In other cases, the reason is that the sites are located close to the 1998-2001 slow slip event in the upper Cook Inlet region, so the velocities are more consistent with those of their neighbors if the pre-earthquake solution is used for all sites in the area. We are working to determine the time history of the slow slip event well enough to remove it from the time series and estimate velocities unbiased by this large transient event.

In all cases, the velocity files have been revised only by substituting the pre-earthquake solution velocity for the cross-Denali solution velocity. Note also that the site LSG1 (present only in the cross-Denali solution) most likely includes a component of postseismic deformation from the 2002 Denali fault earthquake.

Latest revised velocity files:
ES1: velocities relative to North America
ES2: velocities in ITRF2000

File Format:
All of the data files are organized in a column-based format, with the columns separated by whitespace. Like this:
KIRH cross -177.09 51.90 -7.7 7.0 1.5 1.0 1.6 2.2
The columns are: station name, solution, longitude, latitude, east, north, vertical, east sigma, north sigma, vertical sigma. Velocities are in mm/yr.

Note that the uncertainties in the velocities relative to North America have been augmented to account for uncertainties in the definition of the North American frame, and uncertainties in the geocentric alignment of the ITRF. Details are given in the paper.

The original versions of the supplemental data files are here:
ES1: velocities relative to North America (original)
ES2: velocities in ITRF2000 (original)

Again, all revisions involve choosing the pre-Denali earthquake velocity instead of using the velocity that spans the time of the earthquake. A summary of the reason for the revisions is given below:
4A1A slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
ANC1 slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
ATWC slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
BODE slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
C123 Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
CKLN slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
EGL2 Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
EKLU slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
FSHK slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
ISLZ slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
LIBF Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
LUKY Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
PTVL Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
PURI slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
REED slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
S1 slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
S103 slow slip event 3/11/09 JF
SPIL Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
SWB4 Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
TALK Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
TWLV Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
WICK Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF
WOND Denali postseismic 3/11/09 JF