GEOS 620
Fall 2004
Tu-Th 2:00-3:30, Natural Sciences 204
Jeff Freymueller | Bernie Coakley |
x7286 | x7xxx |
Elvey 307C | Natural Sciences 3xx | | |
Last Updated: September 14
Ignore everything below this for now
General Outline
Course Topics
- Gravity, gravitational field of earth, gravity measurement and interpretation
- Magnetics, magnetic field of earth, paleomagnetics, magnetic measurement and interpretation
- Heat in the earth, heat flow, conduction and convection
Grading Scheme
- 60% Homework
- 40% Final Project
- 10 Problem Sets, roughly every week
Final Project
- Numerical or computational project.
Lecture Topics
Wed January 21, 2004
Gravity 1: What is a field?, Mathematical properties of scalar and
vector fields, Potential and field, Newtonian Attraction
Mon January 26, 2004
Gravity 2: Measurements of gravity, Potential of an arbitrary 3D body, Potential of a sphere
PROBLEM SET 1 assigned, due Wed February 4.
Wed January 28, 2004
Gravity 3: MacCullough's formula, Earth's gravity field
Mon February 2, 2004
Gravity 4: The Geoid, Shape of the Earth, Introduction to orthogonal functions
PROBLEM SET 2 assigned, due Wed February 11.
Wed February 4, 2004
Gravity 5: Spherical Harmonics, Application to the global gravity field
Mon February 9, 2004
Gravity 6: Satellite Measurements of the Gravity Field and gravity change
PROBLEM SET 3 assigned, due Mon February 23.
Wed February 11, 2004
Gravity 7: More gravity change and spherical harmonics, Tides
Fri February 13, 2004 Initial presentations on Final Projects.
Mon February 16, 2004
Gravity 8: Gravity surveys, Gravity Anomalies, Examples of gravity anomalies from the real world.
Wed February 18, 2004
Gravity 9: Modeling gravity anomalies, Attraction of special mass distributions,
Excess mass, Green's equivalent layer, Sinusoidally-varying topography
PROBLEM SET 4 assigned, due Mon March 1.
Mon February 23, 2004
Gravity 10: Compensation, Isostasy, Isostatic Anomalies, Gravity and lithospheric flexure
Wed February 25, 2004 NO CLASS UNAVCO Annual Meeting
Mon March 1, 2004
Gravity 11: Fourier methods, Upward and downward continuation.
PROBLEM SET 5 assigned, due Wed March 10.
Wed March 3, 2004
Gravity 12: Fourier methods, Application of Fourier methods to the compensation
Fri March 5, 2004
Magnetics 1: Electricity and magnetism, Electric and magnetic fields, Magnetic field of the Earth, IGRF
Mon March 8, 2004
Magnetics 2: The dipole and non-dipole fields, Magnetization, Magnetic anomalies.
PROBLEM SET 6 assigned, due Wed March 24.
Wed March 10, 2004
Magnetics 3: Magnetization, Modeling magnetic anomalies, Total field anomaly
Mon March 15, 2004 NO CLASS SPRING BREAK Wed March 17, 2004 NO CLASS SPRING BREAKMon March 22, 2004
Magnetics 4: Reduction to the pole, Examples of magnetic anomaly maps, How rocks get their magnetization, Paleomagnetism, Magnetic reversals and history of Earth's magnetic field
Wed March 24, 2004
Magnetics 5: Paleoinclination and declination, Spherical trig and statistics of directions, Paleomagnetism and plate tectonics
Mon March 29, 2004
Inverse Theory 1: Going from data to model (linear case)
Wed March 31, 2004
Inverse Theory 2: More complex problems
PROBLEM SET 7 assigned, due Mon April 12.
Fri April 2, 2004 EXTRA CLASS -- Catching up.
Mon April 5, 2004
Heat 1: Heat transfer, Fourier's Law, Heat flow in the Earth
Wed April 7, 2004
Heat 2: Heat sources within the Earth and the geothermal gradient, Conduction
PROBLEM SET 8 assigned, due Mon April 19.
Fri April 9, 2004 Progress reports on Final Projects.
Mon April 12, 2004
Heat 3: Conduction on a sphere, 1D time-dependent conduction
PROBLEM SET 9 assigned, due Mon April 26.
Wed April 14, 2004 NO CLASS Seismological Solciety of America Meeting
Mon April 19, 2004
Heat 4: Heating or cooling of a semi-infinite half-space, Cooling of oceanic crust
Wed April 21, 2004
Heat 5: Advection
Mon April 26, 2004
Heat 6: The Stefan problem and phase changes
Wed April 28, 2004
Heat 7: Thermal stresses, mantle adiabats
Fri April 30, 2004 EXTRA CLASS -- Catching up.
Mon May 3, 2004
Heat 8: Convection
END OF CLASSES (but final Project due Fri May 7)