Alaska GPS 3D Velocities from Snay et al. (2016)
Revised October 31, 2018
This page provides access to the electronic supplement data files for my paper, Modeling 3-D crustal velocities in the United States and Canada which was published in Journal of Geophysical Research. The full reference for the paper and the data is given below:Snay, R. A., J. T. Freymueller, M. R. Craymer, C. F. Pearson, and J. Saleh (2016), Modeling 3-D crustal velocities in the United States and Canada, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JB012884.
Latest velocity files:
3D GPS velocities relative to North America
Horizontal velocities relative to North America (GMT format)
Vertical GPS velocities
GPS3d File Format:
The GPS3d data file is organized in a column-based format, with the columns separated
by whitespace. Like this:
2201 -150.551 59.524905 362.531500 -0.592462 1.182820 0.720698 0.045364 0.054276 0.049012
The columns are: station name, longitude, latitude, elevation, east, north, vertical,
east sigma, north sigma, vertical sigma. Velocities are in cm/yr.
Note that the uncertainties in the velocities relative to North America include the uncertainty in the definition of the North American frame. Details are given in the paper.